
Eng mechanics

Page history last edited by Roger Hadgraft 4 years, 8 months ago

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This page covers statics and dynamics and it has links to sites that also cover other basics such as fluids, thermo, maths, etc.


Engineering Fundamentals - eFunda



The Efficient Engineer (on YouTube)

Great videos on engineering mechanics



General Tutorial on Statics

Carnegie Mellon – ‘Open Learning Initiative’: https://oli.cmu.edu/product-category/physical-sciences-engineering/

Has a whole online course in Engineering Statics, with explanations, and then interactive problems that run you through the steps in solving them to help understand the theory. Note that it requires either Internet Explorer or Firefox as well as the MathPlayer viewer for MathML. This is an excellent tutorial that covers the basics of forces and moments between bodies,free body diagrams, equilibrium, frames and trusses.



A fantastic visual and interactive site: http://web.mst.edu/~mecmovie/ (needs Flash enabled)

MDSolids - software for Mechanics of Materials: http://www.mdsolids.com 


These go through most of the theories taught in engineering mechanics such as torsion, stress, strain, beam analysis, etc, and has interactive quizzes and explanations on these theories. Great complement to the Carnegie Mellon course above.


The matching textbook is here: http://au.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP003278.html 


HAMLET - Hierarchical, Asynchronous, Multimedia Learning using Electronic Textbooks

A whole range of interactive simulations (java applets) for statics and dynamics: http://www.eng.umd.edu/html/HAMLET/index.html


OU Engineering Media Lab

http://www.ecourses.ou.edu/ - Statics; Dynamics; Mechanics of MaterialsMath - Calculus



A truss analysis program that is easy to use and evaluates member loads:


There are many truss evaluation programs out there, and also multiple pages that we found that have good step by step visual explanations of how to analyse truss problems.


Bending and Torsion of Beams

From the University of Cambridge: http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/beam_bending/index.php 


Mohr’s Circle

Mohr's circle explained in much depth. http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/metal-forming-1/printall.php



A wide range of engineering topics: http://www.doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/index.php 



A whole lot of applets that help to explain engineering mechanics theories, with options to input numbers, values, etc: http://www.engapplets.vt.edu/


Other Resources

Google search "learn engineering mechanics": 



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 visitors since Aug 2015

Comments (1)

Roger Hadgraft said

at 11:29 am on Apr 17, 2020

refreshed links and deleted non-working ones. Please add suggestions as comments.

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