

Page history last edited by Roger Hadgraft 15 years, 9 months ago

Calculus Tutorials

Covers all areas of calculus, including some interactive tutorials and problems through applets. Very useful!



Online quizzes

Very comprehensive interactive quiz website. Covers most topics in Calculus. A great place to test your knowledge before the tests! http://www.mathematics-online.org/inhalt/interaufg/interaufg295/


Visual calculus

A flash website that has an explanation and problems on implicit differentiation, with interactive ‘walkthrough’ solutions.



A fantastic interactive vector grapher

Adds, subtracts and produces roots etc. http://www.frontiernet.net/~imaging/vector_calculator.html


Matrix multiplication

Well explained examples with worked exercises for matrix multiplication with a fantastic java applet explaining multiplication of matrices. http://www.intmath.com/Matrices-determinants/4_Multiplying-matrices.php


Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions including a quiz with solutions



Inverse trigonometric functions with questions and detailed solutions



Online exercises on differentiation

Math centre has a wide range of interactive learning which covers much of the calculus 1 & 2 courses. Requires ActiveX. http://www.mathcentre.ac.uk/search_results.php?x=0&c=8&t=26&page=1


Indefinite and definite integrals – 3 short interactive quizzes



Implicit differentiation problems with details solutions



An implicit differentiation quiz with answers


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